Grants Awarded
Grant Year: 2010-2011
Interactive White Board Collaboration
The use of interactive white boards expands the walls of the traditional classroom and introduces students to a new level of technology. Lessons in all academic areas will be enhanced through pod casts, online presentations, and interactive white board use which allow children to respond, and interact immediately with the information being presented. Studies have…MORE
Reading and Writing Strategies through Literature Circles
The purpose of this proposal is to purchase thematically linked sets of books and audio that are appropriate for the ability of each individual student. These books will be used to differentiate within the classroom and engage students in high interest reading while still teaching common reading strategies and language skills throughout the year. Multiple…MORE
Listening Centers
Our grade level would like to develop literacy stations during language arts centers through the use of MP3 players and audio books. Our team would like to purchase 5 MP3 players per classroom ($21.64 per player). In addition, we would like purchase audio books through downloads of leading books and series (ex. Percy Jackson and…MORE
Oakmont Robotics Engineering
The project is to continue the expansion of robotics engineering at Oakmont. We are leaping from 4 robotics teams competing in previous challenges to 22 robotics teams this year and counting. The number of engineering courses for next year has doubled. Plain and simple, we do not have enough vex components to provision the amount…MORE
We Both Read
We Both Read books are books that offer a unique shared reading format. These books are designed specifically to help foster and encourage parental involvement in reading. Each book offers an interactive format, in which a child takes turns reading aloud with a parent. The books invite the parent to read the left-hand pages. Then,…MORE
Meet SAM (Skills Assessment Manager)
SAM is a proficiency-based assessment and training environment for Microsoft Office. It combines dependable web- based software along with an engaging user interface which provides maximum teaching and learning flexibility. SAM builds students’ skills and confidence with a variety of real-life simulations. In addition, SAM provides projects that educate students for today’s workplace. SAM benefits…MORE